Jerry Amernic’s Weblog

November 11, 2008

The Art of Cabinet Making

Filed under: Culture,politics,Thoughts,Writing — jerryamernic @ 6:16 pm
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Have you ever wondered why the United States, a country with 300 million people, has a Cabinet of 22 members, while Canada with its 33 million has a Cabinet of 38?

As I write this, incoming U.S. President Barack Obama – surely a breath of fresh air if there ever was one – is making plans for his Cabinet. He can select anyone he wants for whatever post. For Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, he can choose someone who is an expert in agriculture. For Secretary of the Department of Commerce, he can pick someone with experience in commerce. Same thing for Defence, Justice, Labour, Energy, Transportation, Health – you name it.

Of course, Obama is free to make all his selections from that pocket of America who are born-again, fundamentalist, diehard, bible-thumping Creationists. But I don’t think he’ll do that. He’s too smart to be that ignorant, and besides, this group already had their chance and we know how they fared.

I don’t believe for a minute that Barack Obama is the next president of the United States because he is of mixed race. He is the next president of the United States because he has shown himself to be the best person for the job.

This American presidential election went on for almost two years. Sure, we’re all sick to death of it, even though we remained glued to our TVs on election night. But think what Obama has gone through. At the outset, he was anything but a front runner. In the race for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton was said to have a lock on the job. Obama came out of nowhere, took part in over 20 debates with the former First Lady, won primary after primary, and impressed everyone with his oratory, his insight, and an apparent wisdom far beyond his years. Then he took on John McCain, and we saw more of the same. At this point in time, and it’s early, there is nothing not to like about the man.

Clearly, the single biggest mistake McCain made was in choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. But then, that was purely a political appointment which backfired.

Today, Obama can choose his Cabinet from a pool of 300 million Americans. He can choose anyone he wants. Most of us have forgotten, but Canada just had an election too, and Stephen Harper put together a Cabinet of his own.

In Canada, an adoptee of the British Parliamentary system, we do things differently than the U.S. The Prime Minister selects his Cabinet from elected Members of Parliament, and with the odd exception, makes those selections from his party’s caucus. However, most all those selections tend to be political appointments.

If the PM has but a single MP from one region of the country, you can bet this person will be in the Cabinet no matter how little experience or little ability they possess. Why? Because it’s a political appointment. Likewise, a one-armed, legally blind, Aboriginal with strong Metis bloodlines from the North who went clean after an abused adolescence can rest assured that once they get elected they’ll be in the Cabinet as well. Because it’s a political appointment. This is why hapless sorts like Maxime Bernier masquerade in such key Cabinet posts as Minister of Defense – for a few months anyway – until the truth comes out in the form of an ex-biker gal with nice legs. Indeed, it’s why the Canadian Cabinet is a very weak entity, and why a leader like Stephen Harper is apt to run a one-man show.

Today, some guy named Jean-Pierre Blackburn is Minister of National Revenue and Minister of State for Agriculture. What does he know about agriculture? Not a thing. I checked his bio and he has as much experience in agriculture as I do. But he represents the riding of Jonquiere-Alma in Quebec, and that’s why he’s there.

Rona Ambrose used to be Minister of the Environment until she embarrassed herself, and in the last shuffle was moved to Labour. Oh, and she is “passionate about informing young Canadians on the important role that politics can play in their lives.” It says so in her bio. Maxime Bernier? He’s not in the Cabinet anymore.

But what if Harper had as much freedom to pick his Cabinet as Obama does? What if he really was non-partisan and sincere about picking the best people for the job? He might make Cabinet appointments like this:

Defence – Retired General Rick Hillier. He did more for the Canadian military than anyone else over the past 40 years.

Finance – Paul Martin. Remember him? He’s a Liberal and a former PM, but he was also the best Finance Minister we ever had.

Foreign Affairs – Maurice Strong is probably too old now, but what a minister he would have made in this portfolio.

Public Safety – Julian Fantino. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Environment – David Estrin. He was Canada’s very first environmental lawyer, is recognized internationally for his work, and currently leads this area of specialization at the prestigious law firm of Gowlings.

Minister of State for Sport – Wayne Gretzky. Enough said.

As for some other posts, well, the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages should be … nobody. Harper ought to disband this ministry immediately. It’s a waste of time and money. Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism? Nobody again. Same reason. 

How about the Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification? Huh? I kid you not. This one should also go, along with the Minister of State for Democratic Reform, and Minister of State for Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec.

What was that last one again? I’m sure you never heard of it, but the Ministry of State for Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec is a federal government department responsible for economic expansion in Quebec. It promotes small or medium-sized enterprises, and has 15 offices throughout the province. So how come this have-not province has its own ministry, while another have-not’er by the name of Ontario doesn’t?

Politics. It’s a four-letter word. Twice.



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